Smaller Road Safety & Driver Safety Organizations, U.S.A.

Smaller, not-for-profit safety organizations based in the USA can request a free listing on this page. In addition, commercial organizations may be listed for a modest annual fee.

Drive and Stay Alive, Inc. has produced this page merely as a service to readers and can accept no responsibility whatsoever for the content of any websites linked to this page.

More significant commercial or governmental highway safety organizations may be viewed here.

The listings on this page are cross-referenced under the following three headings:

Advanced Drivers of America, Inc. is the only training body that not only covers the whole of Canada and the USA but also uses the “System of Car Control” approach to advanced driving solely — as developed by the British traffic police in 1935, and the world’s most proven safe driving system, whether for police officers or civilians.

Automobile Safety Foundation The ASF is a fully independent nonprofit organization dedicated to vehicular safety while addressing public driving awareness and auto safety issues. It advocates for numerous vehicular safety measures, including steering-lock education and remedial replacement, safe rear-view mirrors, hands-free cell phone technology, alternative fuels, and more.

Drive and Stay Alive, Inc. uses an extensive website to bring together ‘best practice’ road safety information from around the world. It also generates the world’s most comprehensive ‘International Road Safety News’ service. So whatever your interest in safe driving — professional, police, parental, or permit holder — there will be much interest to you ate the DSA website.

“I Promise” Program

Kids and Cars “In the US, at least 72 children were backed over and killed in 2003; (more than one child per week), often by a relative in their driveway, and often by a larger vehicle such as a van, SUV, or pickup truck.” — Janette E. Fennell, Founder & President of Kids And Cars.

PursuitWatch promotes a safer pursuit policy and the elimination of unnecessary pursuits. Contrary to what some have said, this is not a police-bashing site, and PursuitWatch does not support the abolition of police pursuits.

RADD (Recording Artists, Actors, and Athletes Against Drunk Driving) is ‘The Entertainment Industry’s Voice for Road Safety.’ An internationally-recognized nonprofit [501 (c)(3)] corporation since 1986, RADD pairs celebrities, media partners, and socially conscious sponsors to create positive attitudes about road safety.

Road Safe America proposes that all large trucks (10 wheels or more) be required to program their speed governors, which have been standard equipment for many years, at a reasonable speed, such as 65 mph. This simple, common-sense rule will enable large trucks to stop or nearly stop at the same distance as passenger vehicles traveling at highway speeds.
The organization has also announced an initiative to establish Drive Safer Sunday as a national observance every year on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Safe Driving Council, Inc.

Safe Smart Women Inc. — Although not a road safety organization as such, S2W does much work to inform teenage girls and young women about the general and specific dangers that they face while driving

Safe Teen Driver

The Sandy Johnson Foundation has been formed to save lives by providing motorists with the locations of dangerous intersections and other hazardous highway locations across the country. In addition, readers Digest magazine ran an article in their July 2003 edition in which the tragic circumstances of Sandy’s unnecessary death were given.