THINK! is about saving lives. We campaign all year round to get people to think more about road safety, whether you walk, drive or ride.
As part of the Government’s strategy, we aim to cut the number of deaths and severe injuries from road accidents by 40% by 2010.
A detailed overview of the UK Government’s approach to THINK! Road safety publicity can be found here.
Driving Skills for Life — Ford Motor Company and the Governors’ Highway Safety Association
Driving Skills for Life reaches millions of teens, parents, and educators nationally through its Web site, ride-and-drive programs, materials distributed to more than 20,000 schools nationally, public service announcements (PSAs) in theaters nationwide, and safety events at shopping malls. In addition, the Driving Skills for Life interactive Web site provides more information about Driving skills for parents and students, an online learning module and quiz, and a teaching curriculum for educators.
Driving Skills for Life was launched three years ago (2002) to teach safety tips to teenage drivers and save lives. Studies show that crash rates are highest among teens in their first few hundred miles on the road and that 60 percent of those crashes result from inexperience in four key areas:
hazard recognition;
vehicle handling;
space management;
speed management.
Driving Skills for Life provides instruction in these four key areas that are critical factors in teen vehicle crashes.