Major Road Safety Organizations, U.S.A.

This page lists the larger organizations — mostly governmental and commercial — for smaller road safety groups (many highly effective). Click here.

A.A.A. Foundation for Traffic Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety — An alliance of consumer, health and safety groups and insurance companies, and agents working together to make America’s roads safer

Air Bag & Seat Belt Safety Campaign (National Safety Council)

American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association — ADTSEA represents traffic safety educators in the United States.

American Traffic Safety Services Association — ATSSA
“The American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) has represented companies and individuals in the traffic control and roadway industry since 1969. More than 1,800 ATSSA members provide most roadway safety features, services, materials, and leadership throughout the nation.”

Association of Traffic Safety Information Professionals — ATSIP

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Centre for Auto Safety — C.A.S. — Founded in 1970

Citizens for Reliable Safe Highways — CRASH — A nationwide, grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving overall truck safety in the U.S. and eliminating the unnecessary deaths and injuries caused by truck crashes.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is a not-for-profit organization that promotes an environment free of commercial vehicle accidents and incidents. We aim to promote commercial motor vehicle safety and security by providing leadership to enforcement, industry, and policymakers. This is accomplished by establishing practical transportation safety standards for motor carriers, drivers, vehicles, and inspectors through compliance, education, training, and enforcement programs.

Consumer Reports

CRASH ( — created to provide easy-to-access information and resources for all your Department of Motor Vehicles needs.

Drive and Stay Alive — D.S.A. owns the website you are now viewing. Clicking on the blue link will take you to our home page, from where over 250 separate web pages and topics may be reached, including our globally unique International Road Safety News section, which provides for much from the U.S.A.

Drive for Life is an ambitious driver-education and outreach effort by several prominent organizations in partnership.

The Driving School Association of the Americas is an international association of driving school owners and educators from Austria, Canada, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and, of course, the United States. (under the aegis of the National Sleep Foundation) is precisely what it says, and it’s a good site.

An Alabama police officer has a website called D.U.I. Pictures which is worth checking out.

Federal Highway Administration: The FHWA goal is to reduce roadway-related fatalities and injuries by designing a forgiving infrastructure. They advocate highway safety programs related to the roadway and road users.

Governors Highway Safety Association The GHSA is a nonprofit association representing the highway safety offices of states, territories, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Indian Nations. Its members are appointed by their Governors to administer federal and state highway safety funds and implement state highway safety plans. For further information, contact GHSA at 202/789-0942 or email:

Higher Highway Safety Standards (HHSS) is a campaign for more comprehensive, brighter road markings.

Highway Loss Data Institute For internet purposes, the HLDI is part of the IIHS.

Highway Safety Information System (HSIS)

Highway Watch® is the roadway sector’s national safety and security program that utilizes the skills, experiences, and “road smarts” of America’s transportation workers to help protect the nation’s critical infrastructure and the transportation of goods, services, and people.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (and Highway Loss Data Institute)

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
The ITS Public Safety Program encourages transportation and public safety agencies to integrate better their on-scene incident response, clearance, and recovery operations. In addition, the Program fosters new partnerships between transportation and public safety agencies to develop more interoperable communications systems and incident management procedures.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (now with an estimated two million members)

National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) doesn’t qualify as a road safety organization but has been included here because of the accuracy of their safe driving tips. Too many web pages repeat lousy advice they have seen elsewhere, but not NADA.

National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running The National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running is dedicated to reducing the incidence of red light running in the United States and the fatalities and injuries it causes. The Campaign has assembled a team of leaders from law enforcement, transportation engineering, healthcare and emergency medicine, and traffic safety to tackle this crucial safety issue…

National Commission Against Drunk Driving (NCADD)

National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances (NCUTLO)

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (abbreviated as NHTSA but pronounced, in conversation, as “Nitsa”)
— On the Harvard University website is a PowerPoint presentation by/about the NHTSA, which is well worth reading if you require an overview. Click here. (Feb. 2004)

NHTSA Impaired Driving Division

National Institute for Driver Behavior (NIDB) is dedicated to the premise that education is an essential component in the formula for crash reduction. There is a need to have clearly defined criteria for driver behavior for all drivers so that they can, over some time, acquire and internalize a style of low-risk driving.

National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners — The primary mission of the proposed National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners is to improve highway safety by producing trained, certified medical examiners who can effectively determine if a commercial motor vehicle operator’s [i.e., a ‘heavy goods vehicle’ driver, or a bus or coach driver] health meets Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration standards.

National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF)

National Safety Council (N.S.C.) — Driver Safety

National Transportation Library

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) — Highways

Partners for Child Passenger Safety

Partners for Highway Safety strives to reduce injuries and fatalities of teenagers due to automobile crashes through public awareness.

Partnership for Safe Driving is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating all forms of dangerous driving. Founded in February 1997 and based in Washington, DC, they work to change the driving culture in America through education, research, and grassroots activism.

Road Safety Audits A road safety audit is the formal examination of an existing or future road or traffic project by an independent team of trained specialists. Its main objective is to address the safe operation of a roadway and to ensure high safety for all road users.
Roadway Safety Foundation — R.S.F. is a nonprofit charitable and educational organization dedicated to reducing the frequency and severity of motor vehicle crashes by improving the safety of America’s roadways.

State Farm Insurance — Vehicle Safety and Road Safety page

The Road Information Program (TRIP)

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation

Transportation Communications Newsletter

The Transportation Research Board, also its Mission, Services, and Organization

The Turner Fairbanks Highway Research Center

U.S. Air Force Traffic Safety

U.S. Army [Traffic Safety] Toolbox and Six Point Program

U.S. Naval Safety Center — Traffic Safety Toolbox

U.S. Roads