The Psychology Of Driving

“It is well known that human behavior is the main cause of road accidents. Therefore it is important to try to improve driving behavior. Research and studies show that the best way to achieve this is a combination of enforcement actions and, simultaneously, information to the public.”

View the ‘Human Behaviour’ page of the European Commission Road Safety website (added here on February 18, 2004).

Read a review of the ‘looked but failed to see’ accident causation factor, by I. D. Brown, Ivan Brown Associates, for the UK Department for Transport’s ‘Behavioural research in road safety: eleventh seminar.’ This includes a re-analysis of drivers’ errors reported by Sabey and Staughton, 1975.

Read a research paper on driver psychology by Ricardo D. Blasco, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.

The UK Department of Transport published the Road Safety Compendium, 2000/01, which contains a detailed Driver and Rider Behaviour section.

The same UK body (DfT) has published 21 papers in the proceedings of their thirteenth seminar: ‘Behavioural Research in Road Safety.’ Check the list of topics here.

Its appealing title, ‘Warning: Psychologists at work; hazardous conclusions possible’ (by Dr. Martin Langham, School of Cognitive Sciences, University of Sussex, England), makes for fascinating reading.

‘Validity and Reliability Assessment of a Dangerous Driving Self-Report Measure’ is a dissertation submitted by Chris S. Dula to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.