Road Safety Trends And National Strategies

The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (US DOT FHWA) sent a scan team to Europe in April 2023 to study The Managing and Organizing of Comprehensive Highway Safety in Europe.

The team visited four countries: Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, and Great Britain.

The resultant report gives an excellent insight into a methodology for three of the top four safest countries in the world, and also regarding Germany. In this country, significant improvements have been made swiftly since reunification.

An OECD Transport Division report shows Road Safety Trends in OECD Countries — 1990-2000.

The European Commission’s Third Road Safety Action Plan looks to 2002-2010 (PDF). In a separate Europa report, the E.U. looks to halve the number of road accident victims by 2010 (PDF). Also see:

The U.K. Department for Transport published its strategy until the year 2010. Read the online file. It has also published an Action Plan to reduce child casualties by 50% by 2010.

In Australia, the Victoria Government has a five-year strategy to reduce deaths and injuries on Victoria’s roads by 20 percent.

The New Zealand Road Safety Strategy, 2022.

Japan is spending billions on high-tech traffic management systems.